Series 40 Control Handles
Ergonomic design handle manufactured from high resistance thermoplastic resin. Configurable with up to 6 on/off functions with or without deadman trigger.
$0.00 inc GST
Lever joystick cable control kit for remote valve operation. Dual access operation with or without micro switch.
$0.00 inc GST
Monoblock dual axis joystick hydraulic pilot valve with 1 lever and 4 work ports for simultaneous operation of 2 valve sections. This unit can be arranged with several types of handles with or without electric controls. Reduced weight and dimensions. Body in Aluminium.
$0.00 inc GST
Monoblock Single Axis Joystick Hydraulic Pilot Valve with 1 lever and 2 work ports. Steel body.
$0.00 inc GST
Monoblock unit with screw adjustable knobs (SV70) or push button (SV71). 1 x work port. Steel body.
$0.00 inc GST
Monoblock hydraulic pilot valve with rocker, foot pedal and 2 work ports. Steel body.
$0.00 inc GST
Monoblock Dual Axis Joystick Hydraulic Pilot Valve with 1 lever and 4 work ports for simultaneous operation of 2 valve sections. This unit can be arranged with several types of handles with or without electric controls. Body in cast iron.
$0.00 inc GST
GG - Rotary Coupling 90°
90° Rotary Coupling for connecting two hydraulic lines moving simultaneously in different directions. Rotations can be alternating or continuous.
$0.00 inc GST
GGIL - Rotary Coupling Inline
Inline Rotary Coupling for connecting two hydraulic lines moving simultaneously in different directions. Rotations can be alternating or continuous.
$0.00 inc GST
PU - Pressure Compensated Flow Control Cartridge Series
Pressure compensated 2 port Flow control with free flow in reverse
$0.00 inc GST
PW - Pressure Compensated Flow Control with Reverse Free Flow Cartridge Series
Pressure compensated 2 port I Flow control with free flow in reverse
$0.00 inc GST
VAA/RU/DL - Anti-Shock Valve Series
Antishock valve with anti-cavitation and single pressure adjustment differential piston type relief. This valve allows for pressure relief on the delivery side of the circuit while check valves allow for anti-cavitation. Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 1/2" BSPP & 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VABAL/SF - Motion Control Valve + Anti-Cavitation & Brake Shuttle Series
Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC These valves provide double counter-balance, anti-shock, anti-cavition and a brake shuttle in the one block.
$0.00 inc GST
VADDL - Dual Cross Line Relief Series
VADDL Series Dual Cross Line Relief Valve, Differential Piston type. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 3/8" BSPP to 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VADDL/VA - Dual Cross Line Relief with Anticav Series
VAIL Series Dual Cross Line Relief Valve with Anticavitation, Differential Piston type. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 3/8" BSPP & 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VAIL - Dual Cross Line Relief Series
VAIL Series Dual Cross Line Relief Valve, Direct Acting Poppet type. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 3/8" BSPP to 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VAIL/VA - Dual Cross Line Relief with Anticav Series
VAIL Series Dual Cross Line Relief Valve with Anticavitation, Direct Acting Poppet type. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 1/2" BSPP & 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VB/F - Hose Burst Check Valve Series
VB/F Series Hose Burst valve is especially recommended for use as a safety device for cylinders against a possible hose break. Free flow is permitted in the opposite direction. If a hose break occurs the outlet flow from they cylinder exceeds the check valve setting and stops the flow, thus preventing further movement of the cylinder. The valve gap must be set using feeler gauges to suit the closure flow rate. See the charts below. A flow restritctor, such as that depicted in the circuit diagram, must be installed on the down stream side preferably at the directional control valve. This will restrict the flow to within the operating flow parameters. Material: Steel Body Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPDL - Double Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPDL Series Double Pilot Operated Check Valve suitable for mounting direct to cylinder. Material: Steel body Refer to Technical specification fro pilot ratio. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPDL/T - Double Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPDL/T Series Double Pilot Operated Check Valve. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Refer to Technical specification for pilot ratio. Ports: 3/8" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPSF - Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Manifold Mount Series
VBPSF Series Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Manifold Mount. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Refer to Technical specification for pilot ratio. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPSL - Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPSL Series Single Pilot Operated Check Valve suitable for mounting direct to cylinder. Material: Steel body Refer to Technical specification fro pilot ratio. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPSL/PS - Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPSL/PS Series Single Pilot Operated Check Valve. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Refer to Technical specification for pilot ratio. Ports: 3/8" BSPP & 1/2" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPSL/R - Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPSL/R Single pilot operated check valve has a built in shut-off valve to enable the operator to isolate the check valve to prevent accidental operation. Type D = Load Hold on U1 Type S = Load Hold on U2 Material: Steel body Refer to Technical specification for pilot ratio. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 1/2" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VBPSL/T - Single Pilot Operated Check Valve Series
VBPSL/T Series Single Pilot Operated Check Valve. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Refer to Technical specification for pilot ratio. Ports: 3/8" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VDA - Accumulator Unloading Valve Series
This valve allows the pump to discharge to tank when the pressure setting is reached in U. The valve pressure is kept constant by an accumulator in A. Aluminium body
$0.00 inc GST
VDFR - Flow Divider
Three port pressure compensated flow divider valve, designed to split the flow 50/50 to two circuits from a single pump. Aluminium body maximum pressure = 210 bar Steel body maximum pressure = 350 bar (add suffix AC) Other split ratios are available on request
$0.00 inc GST
VDSD/B - Sequence Valve Series
VDSD/B Series Sequence Valves are a differential piston type valve. It allows from D to C when the pressure in D achieves the spring setting. Back pressure in C has no effect on the opening pressure of D. Flow from C to D is free via a check valve. Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Port: 3/8" BSPP to 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VDSRL - Sequence Valve Series
VDSRL Series Sequence valves direct acting guided poppet type. It allows flow from D to C when the pressure in D achieves the spring setting. Should there be pressure in C then the opening pressure at D will be the same as the spring setting pressure plus the pressure in C. Flow from C to D is free via a check valve. Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Port: 1/4" BSPP to 3/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VEP - High-Low Unloading Valve Series
VEP Series- These valves are utilised in two pump systems to provide a HIGH-LOW (fast-slow) operation. Fast speed is obtained by utilising both pumps to feed the circuit up to the setting of the bypass valve (VDS on port BP). Slow speed is then available to feed the circuit up to the pressure setting of the master relief valve (VMP on port AP). NB: Port AP uses spring options TS & TR, Port BP uses TB & TV Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC
$0.00 inc GST
VEP/FL - High-Low Unloading Valve - CETOP Mount Series
Cetop 3/5/7 solenoid valve mount blocks Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC These valves are utilised in two pump systems to provide a HIGH-LOW (fast-slow) operation. Fast speed is obtained by utilising both pumps to feed the the circuit up to the setting of the bypass valve (VDS on port BP). Slow speed is then available to feed the circuit up to the pressure setting of the master relief valve (VMP on port AP). They are available as sandwich valves to suit CETOP 3/5/7 solenoid valves to make a compact assembly.
$0.00 inc GST
VIA/AP - Auto-Reversal Valve Series
Cetop 3 & 5 solenoid valve mount blocks Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC The oil flow is automatically reversed from 'P to A' to 'P to B' and vice versa when the setting value of the pilot relief valve is reached.
$0.00 inc GST
VMP - Relief Valve Cast Iron Body Series
VMP Series Pilot Operated Relief Valve. Material: Cast Iron Body. Pressure Range: 20-250 Bar Ports: 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VMP/B - Relief Direct Acting Series
VMP/B Series Direct Acting Poppet Relief Valve. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VMP/VE - Relief / Solenoid Unloader Series
VMP/VE Series Pressure Relief Valve with Solenoid Unloader. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 1/4" BSPP to 1-1/4" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VMPP/B - Relief Pilot Operated Series
VMPP/B Series Pilot Operated Relief Valve. Material: Aluminium body NB: Steel bodied units available upon request - add suffix AC Various pressure range option available. Refer to Technical specification. Ports: 1/2" BSPP to 1" BSPP
$0.00 inc GST
VODL/SC - Double Counter-Balance Valve Series
VODL/SC Series - Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC This valve controls a moving load in both directions preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1 and U2. It also provides static overload and thermal expansion protection when used in combination with an open centre spool valve. This valve permits free flow from D1 to U1 & D2 to U2 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 & U2 to D2 until a pilot pressure generated at D1 or D2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 or U2 port open.
$0.00 inc GST
VODL/SC/A - Double Counter-Balance Valve + Brake Shuttle Series
Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC
$0.00 inc GST
VODL/SC/CC - Double Counter-Balance Valve Series
VODL/SC/CC Series - Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC This valve controls a moving load in both directions preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1 and U2. This valve permits free flow from D1 to U1 & D2 to U2 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 to D2 until a pilot pressure generated at D1 or D2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 or U2 port open. It is utilised in combination with a closed centre spool valve. It is recommended to fit a port relief in this application.
$0.00 inc GST
VODL/X1116 - Double Counter-Balance Valve Series
Steel Body - The 1116 Series is built with zinc plated steel bodies to ensure a top level of strength and durability, these valves can reach a work pressure of 400 bar. N1116 Series - This valve controls a moving load preventing if from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1 and U2. It also provides static overload and thermal expansion protection when used in combination with an open centre spool valve. It permits free flow from D1 to U1 and D2 to U2 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 and U2 to D2 until a pilot pressure generated at D1 or D2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 or U2 port open. This model is sensitive to back pressure on D1 and D2 in return mode. R1116 Series - As per N1116 but is insensitive to back pressure on D1 or D2 in return mode.
$0.00 inc GST
VODL/X1516 - Double Counter-Balance Valve Series
Steel Body - The 1516 Series is built with zinc plated steel bodies to ensure a top level of strength and durability, these valves can reach a work pressure of 400 bar. All valves in the range are equipped with pilot signal restrictors to ensure smooth and safe operation in every load handling application. N1516 Series - This valve controls a moving load preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1 and U2. It also provides static overload and thermal expansion protection when used in combination with an open centre spool valve. It permits free flow from D1 to U1 and D2 to U2 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 and U2 to D2 until a pilot pressure generated at D1 or D2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 or U2 port open. This model is sensitive to back pressure on D1 and D2 in return mode. R1516 Series - As per N1116 but is insensitive to back pressure on D1 or D2 in return mode.
$0.00 inc GST
VOSL/SC - Single Counter-Balance Valve Series
VOSL/SC Series Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC This valve controls a moving load preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1. It also provides static overload and thermal expansion protection when used in combination with an open centre spool valve. This valve permits free flow from D1 to U1 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 until a pilot pressure generated at D2/U2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 port open.
$0.00 inc GST
VOSL/SC/CC - Single Counter-Balance Valve Series
VOSL/SC/CC Series Aluminium body - Steel bodied units available on request - add suffix AC This valve controls a moving load preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1. It permits free flow from D1 to U1 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 until a pilot pressure generated at D2/U2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 port open. It utilised in combination with a closed centre valve. It is recommended to fit a port relief in this application.
$0.00 inc GST
VOSL/X1116 - Single Counter-Balance Valve Series
Steel Body -The 1116 series is built with zinc plated steel bodies to ensure a high level of strength and durability. These valves can reach a working pressure of 400 bar. N1116 Series - This valve controls a moving load preventing it from moving ahead of the pump and locks the load in any position on U1. It also provides static overload and thermal expansion protection when used in combination with an open centre spool valve. It permits free flow from D1 to U1 and blocks the flow from U1 to D1 until a pilot pressure generated at D2/U2 is sufficient to pilot the U1 port open. This model is sensitive to back pressure on D1 in return mode. R1116 Series - As per N1116 but is sensitive to back pressure on D1 in return mode. V1116 Series - As per N1116 but has the spring chamber isolated from any system back pressure by a seal and is vented to the atmosphere. It is ideal for use with closed centre spools.
$0.00 inc GST